Tiertime's Next Gen Slicer - UP Studio 3

Just out of curiosity, how old is your up mini2 ?
Mine was early January 2017. my S.N. 232xxx Firmware ver. 3.53.
My Up studio ver. this version of Up studio works as intended with our up mini2.
I have sent several request for an Catfish activation code and still nothing.
Creality got off to a start with a load of problems. Now, they have showing a huge interest into fixing their machine issues. I think Creality is going to surpass Tiertime in quality and performance sometime in the next year or two.


Donā€™t recall the date on the box, its long gone. Purchased August 2018. S/N 2318xx, F/W: 3.53, so probably the same batch despite being ā€œnewerā€, it sat on a shelf at my resellers longer than the warranty period according to Tiertime (lol)ā€¦

Anyways, 2.6 does seem to connect to the Up Mini 2 just fine, but the download page says

Good thing 2.6 works, as the reccommended 2.5 version uninstalled the working one and failed to install itself leaving me with no Up Studio until I just tried 2.6, guess Iā€™ll get to try a print later tonight. .tsk file seems to load and be correctly oriented in UpStudio.

EDIT: There is something weird going on with the model placement, I placed the model at the front of the platform in Catfish, when the .tsk file loads in UpStudio its suddelly centered on the platform, but its printed at the way back of the platform, where the printer is 5-10mm off so it prints into the height setting switch. Need to try and see if theyā€™ve mirrored the axis or if its something else going on. Use caution when printing with UpStudio 2.6 and UpMini2.

I did read that as well. although I ignored the warning and it worked.

Yeah that was a bunch of wasted time for nothing. Oh well, printed a part with double perimeters tonight at least thats something. Every so slightly over-extruded on the final layer, but at least thats better than the gaps I used to get ā€¦ and much much stronger parts.

You can send tsk file directly from Catfish (through Wand)

failed to connect* by network, havenā€™t tried USB yet.

(i.e. Wand didnā€™t find the printer)

Does this really make sense? Its not always obvious that a post is in response to the post immediately above it, it also shows the post as edited which has other connotationsā€¦

Moving along. Wand did connect after trying and successfully connecting with up studio 2.6 and exiting up studio. The print was started, but not completed successfully despite the exact same file worked in up studio 2.6 last night. All the layers did print, the at the last move the printer just stopped, with the hotend power on, melting the part, oozing plastic and jamming the hotend with cooked plastic. Bed seemed to have been powered off. Controls on the printer was non-responsive, but it was possible to ā€œstopā€ the print from Wand.

Not quite sure, but I believe the start and finish beeps were not played when print a .tsk file from Wand? Certainly not the finish beep, but could be because it never actually finished?

Its a step in the right direction, but still some way to go.

@Jason-TT what settings in Catfish donā€™t work properly at the moment? You mentioned earlier that the hexagon infill pattern isnā€™t supported yet at the moment, what else isnā€™t supported in the slicer and what sort of timeline of updates and features can we start to expect to see?

I have been using it quite a bit and noticed a few things in the last version (1.2.5) like when adjusting the raft layers to say 2, it would mix the bottom layers into the raft and do strange things.

looked to be the case with 1.2.6 as well, or at least in the preview, not sure about the actual print; but raft was definitively hard to remove compared to previous prints from Up Studio

jerk related settings are also under development.

Can you please shed some light on this please @Jason-TT? ^^^

Also, what is the purpose of changing the jerk settings? This relates to acceleration of the axis right?

While acceleration is the rate of change in velocity, jerk is the rate of change in acceleration. I.e. Acceleration is the derivative of velocity and jerk is the derivative of acceleration.

now iā€™m getting this error

would probably be beneficial if you elaborated a little around how to reproduce the error

Well finally got a calibration cube to print and wellā€¦ does not look good at all on one side with the default cetus profile. Also good me a lot of work to get the thing to get the nozzle hight to actually save


yes sorry,
this pops out when i try to make a slice with a" custom made" 3d printer in the printer tab, copied from UP box+ (not trying other)

Anyone know how to add a line of code at the end of the print to home the z? I see there is a way to but is it normal gcode?

Iā€™ve also noticed something startlingā€¦ Print stops at 99% on my calibration cubes and never finishes so the hot end can keep running at 270c till I shut it down!

I think Gcode isnā€™t properly supported in Catfish yet. You can try adding this into it and seeing if it works thoughā€¦ G28 Z-2.
If it does work and the Z axis goes in the opposite direction of travel, try G28 Z2.
Also if you want to home the other axis, I know it is G28 X2 Y-2.

What printer are you using? Iā€™m using an upgraded Box/Box+ and it seems to be working very well. One if the only issues Iā€™ve found is the print time calculation being off by at least one minute. Towards the end of a print, UP Studio and Wand say ā€˜10sā€™ left on the progress bar towards the end of a print for quite some time.
I think this issue is part of the new slicing technique in UP Studio 2.6 that was carried over to Catfish because Studio has the same issue with natively sliced files.

Iā€™m using a cetus mk2 that has a bontech direct drive extruder and e3d v6 hot end.

Iā€™ll try the g28 codes and see if that does it. Just not sure what kind of code the script section takes.

Hopefully I can get the homing taken care of and start getting extruder scale calibrated for the printer

The code that Catfish will be expecting in the script sections will be Gcode and probably some M-commands.
Tiertime have the script options to try and better fulfill customers demands who want more openess so they can include custom events during prints.

Those commands should work. If they donā€™t, Gcode isnā€™t supported yet. If things go in the opposite direction than they should, remove the hyphens.