Tiertime's Next Gen Slicer - UP Studio 3

I haven’t looked at this for a while. But just printed a part using the latest version of UpStudio 2, and I’m so sick of the perimeter being fixed at 1 layer wide, and not being adhered to the infill, so I thought its time to look at options.
So many questions.

Am I correct in assuming Catfish is now called “UpStudio 3” ?

Is there a manual for UpStudio 3 ? I can only find a wordpress site relating to catfish, and all the dialogs and user controls look way different.

Do I have to wait for registration code to come through before I can use UpStudio 3 ?

I managed to create a .tsk file, how do I send that to my UpBox+ ?

I am using UpBox with Up Studio 3.0.11 beta. I managed to print two times. After that there is a problem with Wand - it reports UP BOX+ connection in the lower part of GUI (where sn, Model ID Total Weight etc. data is reported). I tried to detect it a few times, uninstaling Up Studio 3 and deleting folders manually then installing it back - no success. It always pop an error that Printer will not match… Is there any solution to fix that?

where can you set/see the bed height ?
I guess there is no offset function.
Oh, after a few minutes a hidden dialog pops up. But there’s no way to edit the height directly ?

Can you choose the correct printer model on the top bar? If task file’s printer ID is not matching the printer printing the file, then this error will occur. You may try reset the setting by press the “default” button.

you can edit the nozzle height directly. check this article.

Yes - I have Up Box selected on topbar. And I am afraid I cant see “Default” button in Wand… If you meant button in main application - it has no effect what printer is picked in lower bar in Wand. I connected Wand to the printer during printing from UpStudio 2. and made a screenshot so you can see. Please help…!

in the slicing program (up studio 3/soda) you have to choose UP BOX+ as the printer, otherwise when you send the file to up box the Wand will refuse to do that.

Ive done that (UpBox not +). In Up Studio 3 Up Box is set correctly. It shows up in the upper bar and in every sliced model there is Up Box mentioned (10105). There is only problem in Wand where (as you can see) Up Box+ is set up as default somehow…

There was a time when everything was working fine. After a few prints the problem occured without my action. I can remember that after that every time I hit “Preview Slicing Result” the printer type in upper bar has changed to UpBox+. And I was not able to print due to printer type error since then. Even if I changed printer type to correct one…

if possible please send a video to support@tiertime.com showing the process of slicing and sending file.

Sure - I will do this tonight.

  1. Speed: Lightening fast loading and slicing of large size STL files.

Do you mean lightning?

The material id of material on the machine and the id in tsk file should match, otherwise the printer will give error message tell user material mismatch.

I have no material ID on the machine? where can i change it?

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go to material setting in Wand => edit=>import from tsk.

I am using the latest beta 3.0.17 with my up mini 2. When using rafts it prints the raft but not the same as the older versions 2.x up studio. It doesn’t print the solid couple of layers like it used to. I am using the profile raft as per the online instructions. Makes it harder to remove since it’s not a solid peel. Lots of little pieces get stuck to the bottom. Any Suggestions?

most likely you deactivated support, the thick layers above raft is actually support structure.
If you would like to get the support back but still without supporting elsewhere, try the support editor to cut off support just above the raft. eg use the support filter to select the support just above raft using z-axis scroll bar, then deactivate the supports selected.

Hi Jason,

I must say Up Studio 3 is starting to really come together. Great work.

One issue I noticed in build 17 is that I can no longer see the location of seams because in build 17, sliced models are colored in red, which is the same color as the seams.

Keep up the excellent work.

Hello yeahtuna,

Me also noticed this issue and strongly suggested the development team to label the seam.
However they told me they updated the rendering algorithm, to make it more close to the actual print but the limitation is not able to mark the seam anymore. However if you look closely you can see the seams on the model in the 3d rendering mode. Anyway it is not as easy as before, but they are aware of the need of this feature and might come up with another way to show the seams in future.

Has anyone had any sucess exporting gcode from Up Studio V3.1.2 ? I import and slice an STL, then click the disk icon on the generated model and select gcode as the file type. All this does is create a file with identical contents to a tsk file but with the .gcode extension.