External surfaces not bonding to infill. Major bug

I think that’s ridiculous the the bottom layer of the part infill should be compromised in any way to make raft separation easier.

I use 3rd party ABS and the peel ratio has to be set right down to 25 and the effect of that on the part then is the infill on the bottom is weak and often whole perimeter strings detached from the part when I remove the support roof.
This seems ridiculous that the solution to making the raft easier to remove is adjusting the infill and probably small changes in the support roof and raft.

What needs to be done is keep the raft a constant structure, and simply adjust the air gap between that and the part. Leave the part infill at 100% or 99% infill, and change the peel ratio such that it’s an air gap between the part and raft/support roof. This will make much better parts and potentially easier to remove as well as a bonus.

@Jason-TT you should know that I actively unrecommended/do not recommend the UP300 and advise other people caution in purchasing tiertime products due to how poorly these issues are being handled

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@Jason-TT its now September. Is the new preview of CatFish slicer available yet?


Surely by now it must be apparent that you’re the victim of catfishing. :wink:

Anyway. they did release a revision yesterday, but I don’t think it has the new slicer. Certainly it doesn’t seem to print any differently, though I am still yet to do the tests.

The name has always seemed a bit … ominous :wink:

I did check what the latest release was before posting but missed the version change as I was only looking at the last 3 digits of the UPStudio version numbers. Will test it very shortly.

Well, I can’t connect to the printer after the update… Its always taken a few attempts maybe a printer reboot but now its not working at all :frowning_face: I’ve tried restarting the machine, restarting the upstudio and reconnecting many times.

Can’t test it when its like this.

Anyone else having the same issues? I’ve also tried to use the “clean cache” under the settings menu I doubt it could be related but I thought I’d do that anyway.

I had similar issues and a few reboots were required. Now I get a lot more air printing for some reason. Anything over 100g has about a 50% chance of air printing. :frowning: Not sure if it’s the new program or something else.

OK, just tested latest software. It’s actually worse than before…

The gap is massive compared to previous prints.

Just had a facepalm moment. I forgot to put the printer onto the new router. doh! :man_facepalming:

It connects perfectly now.

The surface bonding is not fixed at all, like you say its as bad as before, perhaps even worse now.

I was in a rush and didn’t screen capture it but when installing I got a dire warning about “older” printers. It was truncated so instead of stating what the problem may be it just showed the beginning of the sentence and then three dots. Something like “Warning if used with older printer this may…” Not very helpful.
Owen S.

I don’t see any gaps at all! :face_with_monocle:


Stock settings. 0.15mm layers, normal speed. 0.4mm nozzle. Tiertime black ABS.

What’s your line width using those settings? The default for 0.15 mm?

My understanding is that this issue is mainly to do with the extrusion width variable. I decrease that usually right down to 0.40 mm to get thinner lines printed on the top and bottom surfaces thus filling the gaps better, but still not perfectly.

Hopefully with this new slicer, Catfish, the infill overlap variable will fix this entirely.

There looks to be quite a few gaps there in the top layer. There’s lots of areas where the infill in not touching the edge. Other slicers don’t have this issue and will also allow the edge to be more layers thick.

For using Catifish to fix the gap between infill and perimeter. Adjust the overlap percentage.

If you change the Profiles option to “-1”, then the number of perimeter will become 1-2-1-2 pattern long the Z axis, this will also improve the structural integrity of the print.

Nice, that looks interesting,
Owen S.

@Jason-TT can you please get the software team to patch the infill overlap issue? I’m not sure if this is some bug that appeared or something gone wrong in the new slicing technique in UP Studio v2.6 compared to v2.5.

This is a critical slicing issue that needs to be fixed so users can print parts properly, especially those who have no intentions of using Catfish slicer. I’m sometimes flicking back and forth between UP Studio v2.6 and v2.5 so I can produce parts where the infill actually bonds properly to the perimeter shell. This is not or at least shouldn’t be an extrusion width issue.


Sorry to bump this, but has the infill issue been resolved? There is nothing mentioned in the UP Studio v2.6.31.627 changelog to indicate any fixes have been applied and test prints still show gaps that aren’t as pronounced when using 2.5 - I want to make sure it’s not just me.

I agree with @jimmy44033 - there may be a time when I’ll swap to Catfish but at the moment I just want the slicer to work and produce professional results, especially when I’m trying to sell some of the stuff I print.

The compatibility chart doesn’t seem to be updated either (it still says 2.6.29 for my Box+), not that I completely understand why we need to use a different version of sofware for each printer - the latest version seems to recognise and work on all my printers (Box+, Box and Mini 2) albeit with the infill issues. Is the chart there for some but not others?

@Jason-TT is Studio still being worked on (especially the infill problem) or has the development focus moved to Catfish?

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@Jason-TT any response, progress or info on this “bug” (other than use Catfish)?

I did some tests with variations on my most commonly used settings using Studio on an UPBox (despite the compatibility warning) using UP Fila Black ABS.

Tried to mimic the part used in @JothamB’s post (sort of)

Lowering the extrusion width seemed to help a little in my case, but it’s not “perfect” and the gap could be a little tighter.

We only the increased the overlap rate in TPU profile for 2.6.31. In the next version we will increase the overlap rate in other materials and open up this option in the material profile of UP Studio, so user could adjust base on their needs. please be aware that too much overlap may cause over dumping and could cause unknown adverse effects.


So perhaps a temporary work around for those using UP Studio would be to create a profile based off the TPU base Tiertime material and modify it from there to suite other materials.

My question is, is it really that difficult to put out a version of UP Studio that has an increased overlap value for all custom materials made in Studio?
Just a simple update that can be pushed out and keeps us and other users happy printing parts with no annoying gaps.

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