Anyone know what this cable is for?
I mark it with red box
Anyone know what this cable is for?
I mark it with red box
Attach it to the screw, it is ground wire, help protect the electronics. As static charge could build up when the nozzle constantly squeezing plastic.
[quote][size=2][color=#999999]JasonWu post at 2017-5-3 10:40[/color][/size]
Attach it to the screw, it is ground wire, help protect the electronics. As static charge could buil …[/quote]
My printer doesn't even have such a cable. What's the reason? Is my extruder not grounded? Or is it solved differently?
@JohnGood this cable was added post-kickstarter afaik, due to CPU boards (that are plugged into the motherboard) getting fried by static build-up.
You could always add a cable yourself, see here for where it's connected on the other side: