Upgrade or not?

I love my UP BOX+ when it is behaving… the UP Studio not so much :frowning:

I down loaded the 2.6.43 version along with the guide but I spend so much time failing to modify parts or settings.

Should I upgrade to V3 or will it be the same?

I ranted. Then I deleted. Then ranted more, then felt bad about it. All of it because I really really love the Cetus 3d printer. The hardware is awesome. Have 5 of them, have had them since the Kickstarter, Mk1 then jumped straight to Mk3. But ever since this new Up Studio 3 and the Wand thing, I spent 3 days calibrating and attempting to print a part I’ve been printing flawlessly for years on all of these printers. I ruined 3 hotends, got blobs of death and errors I have not even seen before. The software is horrible period. I’ll try replacing the boards and converting to normal G-code printing but I see mixed results in forums, people say it is buggy and complex (also expensive). I just give up. I upgraded to v3.2.2 and regret it now.