Up studio pausing

Hi guys, I have been using the latest software on both MAC and PC. The print actually pausing and clogs the nozzle. Just stops randomly, doesn’t say too hot, too cold, motion errors. Just stops.
I’m printing on an Up Plus 2.

Yep, this problem still isn’t fixed. At the moment we have to use UP Studio V2.5 or lower on all legacy machine models.

@Jason-TT does the team have an update on this issue that’s now supposed to be fixed?


Hi Linshi, No the fan keeps going. I believe

Dieses Problem besteht seit nunmehr einem Jahr! Kann mal jemand die Entwickler wecken?

For early machines eg UP Plus2 and UP mini 1 (usually 4-year or older), use V2.5 will be safe. There are reports of pausing randomly even for the latest 2.6.43 UP Studio.

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Hi Jason,
Yes 2.5 works, but then we can’t use the material manager again…

Hello guys, i would like to print mask with my UP mini, i don’t use it since 6 month, i have a new mac, and your new software make all prints to stop alf way, i can’t find older one… please give me a non broken link to the old one, thanks.