Good day! Sorry, my English is bad (Im from Russia), but I want share with you my upgrade: Arduino mega 2560 with Ramps 1.4+a4988+Marlin 1.1.9
Printing layer: 0.05mm. Very good result!!!
I cant show good photo with test printing now ((( Later.
a4988 work hush than with stock drivers on original motherboard. In future I try replace tmc2100.
What do:
- Buy mega with ramps 1.4.
- Replace fuses on ramps pcb
- Tuning a4988 on 0.28v VREF
- Made and Soldered PCB amplifier for extruder thermo sensor (I think, in UP! Mini PT100) on LM358 and calibrate it in marlin firmware (mini PCB in hand on photo)
- Tuning firmware.
- And more time
All works wery good!
And I can sell my old motherboard with cpu (fully worked)
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That is some serious modding! You are welcome to show some result of the modded machine.
I show modding results later. Now I am doing another project urgently.
Some project photos here:
Moderators not public my next posts in old forum, so sad. I dont know, why…
Im replace very noisy standart cooler on cooler from video card, very good result!!!
I disassembled the old cooler, and stuck a new one inside the case. everything fits perfectly.
Old cooler:
Disassemble old:
and place it in the case on the glue:
Funnily enough I had to replace both of those fans on my UPBOX PLA extruders as they were too noisy to have in an office.
Owen S.
Good day! Stock cooler without bearing. Cooler from videocard with him. My printer stand in home and sometimes Im begin night printing. it prevents sleep. I replased cooler. Im use now TMC2100 drivers. TMC2208 in way to me from china. Very good drivers!!! First two (2100) Im use on X,Y axises. Now i want replase driver on Z axis. And waiting load cell on 1kg for autolevel.
My new revision of amplifier for PT100 on LM324. He can measure up to 400++C with good accuracy:
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About the fans/coolers: I heard TT sells silent fans for the Cetus, somebody I know says they are great - but the Cetus has 5V fans and the rest of TT printers 12V.
In this situation may be can use a resistive divider?
I don’t know for sure, I hope Tertime will offer these also in 12V if they work well and make less noise.
Why TT? In other sites you can find this cooler by part number: 04010ss-12. Last number- voltage (05, 12, 24)
Dont use 12v power and up him to 24v with step up converter- its bad idea. 1.5A- heat bed, 2A- hot end (on 24V). All power supplys very hot! Now im try use 24V power with step down to 12V. I think, this combination is better.
My second trying of print after assembly printer. Sorry, I cant make good macro photo, but layers are very good! Layers invisible! Thickness 0.05mm, bad agdesion. Need calibration! This is 2x2x2 test cube.

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Im up power voltage on bed to 30 volts, now bed heating to 100-110C 6 minutes.
Next modding:
And I will made two buttons on front panel- stop and reset.
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