Touchscreen version 2.4.1 issue

Recently, I updated the touchscreen of two of my printers (UP300, UPMini 2) with version 2.4.1, and I get the following error with some printouts:
“JOG Command Error [1509] Error: Printer NOT Printing”.

Is there any official link where you can download previous versions of the touchscreen or what do you recommend to do to get rid of this error.

Thanks in advance,

I‘m also Dealing with this Error on Prints Since updating to Touch Screen Version 2.4.1 Last Week. @Jason-TT, is There a Solution to fix this?

Did you ever get a fix for this?


I didn‘t really do anything with the Printer since Then. I Updated to a later Screen Version with the Same Issue.

There is a New Touchscreen Version from 08/24 i did Not try. I‘ll install it this Week and will try if it has any effect.

Still Not sure what could be the cause. My Up Box+ is printing absoluteley Fine with the exakt Same Setup.

Got it Working with the latest Touchscreen Version and UP Studio 3. Seems to run fine. Still need to do a longer run with it though