Still waiting on response

Hello, I've ordered the Cetus3D over a month ago and I am still waiting on a responce on when I might be expecting the Cetus. About a month ago I was told to expect the Cetus early March, now that it is early March and approaching mid-March I am still awaiting any shipping code or even any email telling me when it will come. 

I have emailed Cetus sales multiple times with no answer. I would really like some kind of information on the product that I have already purchased.


I don't work for Cetus. I'm another preorder customer patiently waiting for my printer to ship. They said early March. It is still early March. Sending several e-mails only serves to slow down the process as someone has to take time away from development to read and respond to messages. Just relax a little bit. The "product" you purchased was actually a pre-order for a product, not the product itself. If you aren't willing to wait, then don't preorder.

[quote][size=2][color=#999999]bbstep post at 2017-3-7 08:56[/color][/size]
Hey,I don't work for Cetus. I'm another preorder customer patiently waiting for my printer t …[/quote]

I understand that it is a pre-order, that does not mean anything about not being clear on when it is releasing. I am often away form home so I need to know when to expect shipment and to plan acordingly. Simply asking when this might be is not a huge burden, nor does it "slow down the process". Most hardware sellers are very clear and vocal about this stuff, I see this one is not.

forestb, I agree completely.  Doesn't take much effort to post production/inventory/shipping status to a news blog on a regular basis.  Poor communication can be easily corrected if communication is in fact desired.