Spool Holder and Unknown Spring?

I just realized looking at another post that the extra rails and parts were for a spool holder. Would have been good to know so I didn't spend time and plastic on printing one lol. There was no explanation in my package for this unless I missed it. How exactly should this thing be put together? Additionally is it meant to be attached somewhere or just standalone? Also there was a little metal pin with a spring on the end included that was sunk into a piece of foam. Is this for uncloggin nozzles or something?

You can thank Bluedinos for this...the aluminum bits should look like this when assembled.

As for the pin...it's for nozzle cleaning. It looks an awful lot like a chinese acupuncture needle though :O



Look on YouTube for video's with contents and assembly


[quote][size=2][color=#999999]JayNC post at 2017-1-29 23:14[/color][/size]
You can thank Bluedinos for this…the aluminum bits should look like this when assembled.As for the …[/quote]

Oh..and the filament holder was announced about halfway through the Kickstarter campaign...but it was easy to miss.



You can see the stand in the background....


You da man Jay I really appreciate it. I was like seriously why do I have this stuff. My buddy came over for the unboxing and we were both just staring at this bag of stuff after the printer started it's first print trying to figure out why it existed lol. He'll be glad the mystery was solved. Even funnier while we were trying to figure out what it was I was printing parts for a spool holder LOL.