Hi everyone, my cetus is a pre-production MK1 with a incredible misalign on X axis… in the Up/Cetus software the vertical calibration works ok, but it make gcode almost unusable.
Last night I was able to make a workaround, and, today I come here to share this.
Here are the steps:
1 - Configure the Simplify3d “Layer Change Script” as this:
2 - Put this content on someware in your computer (mine is on my scripts folder), name it as calibrate.sh
3- Put this on “Aditional terminal commands for postprocessing”
(remember to adjust the path to point to your script file)
4 - Play with RATE_X and RATE_Y variables, and print small cubes to test… I’ve managed to get almost perfect prints using this… later I can post some pictures.
If you want, you can execute the script direct pointing to the gcode file ex: “calibrate.sh cube.gcode”.
If you want to use another slicer, I can help adjust the script to it, just send-me a sample of gcode layer change of it.
Thanks People, Amazing prints to everyone !!!