Problems with Initializing

optagon 2018-1-1 21:19 edit

I just changed nozzle and moved the printer to another room. After turning it on and hitting 'initialize', the Z axis motor just tries to go up constantly, and it starts to struggle at the top not stopping. This makes the motor click, and if I pinch the belt by hand, it recognizes that the motor has reached its limit and beeps, this finishining the initializing. 

Does this mean the belt or some other part is loose? Pinching it to make it stop is not ideal*, because it probably moves the Z position slightly.

* Edit: Added a missing word.

There is a small screw on the top Z axis, which can be adjusted to fine tune the endstop sensing.

In your case, just turn the screw on either direction for 1/4 turn and initialize again.

Oh, super easy. Thanks for the fast response.

Just to say that this helped me too, thank you Jason.

same here, than you for an excellent tip!

thanks for the tip, very useful!

This is great. Thank you very much! How did you know that ? :D