Minor bug, printer fails when new filament added. Can't adjust filament weight

When changing filaments, the remaining filament weight can’t be set. Instead, only the default presets can be adjusted. This is a bug, because the UP300 is designed for filament changes ALL THE TIME, since it comes with multiple print heads and bases. However when a filament is changed, the remaining weight of the filament, and it’s profile, disappear. Although the profile can be restored, the remaining filament is neither saved and cannot be manually set. As a result it is necessary to select 1000 grams or similar for EVERY filament change.

This is a very annoying bug that affects operation of the UP300.

Worse, failure to do this results in a situation where the UP300 resets once the model is sent to the printer, and there’s not enough filament. There is no longer a “print anyway” option, which it also badly needs.

Filament management between the UP300 and Tiertime UP Studio is a bit of a problem at the moment.

So a summary;

  • Filament remaining weight cannot be set, only preset values.
  • Changing filaments means different weights - so this breaks the filament usage tracking.
  • Filament usage could be stored in the profile, so that filament use is tracked throughout lifecycle (good solution) - This is the ideal implementation as profiles could be copied then track use of a particular type or color as a single roll.
  • Filament remaining needs to be able to be manually set.
  • Needs a “Print Anyway” option when less filament is detected than is available.
  • Needs to be able to pause print for filament change as necessary.
  • Needs a filament-used detector so filament can be changed mid print without the bed cooling.
  • Needs to not reset and lose the printer everytime an attempt is made to print without sufficient filament.

Note: Need an up studio option for tags.