ISSUE: Print Bed not flat! my models are a little slanted/crooked


So, I have gotten extremely frustrated with this because 

the printed bed isn't flat at all. for the past two weeks, i have

tried to fix this issue but to no avail.


Look at the picture above, you can see the scraping lines

made by the nozzle,

on the middle left of bed, nozzle is at 1mm above bed

but as soon as the nozzle starts to move to the middle bottom

it starts scraping bed. I tried switching the bed around, but got the

same result. I printed a cylindrical model and it turned out a little slanted

picture below is the nozzle at the far middle right. notice its not touching the bed




picutures above shows flat surface with can and model. notice model is a little slanted

picture below is the nozzle at the far middle left. notice; just like the one above it

is at the same height.


pictures below is the nozzle at the far middle bottom. notice its touching the bed



I have even tried cutting cardboards and inserting them underneath to level things

up but that didn't work. it's either one side is leveled more than other or something else

this is very frustrating.

I have tested out the bed using laser measurement and it seems pretty flat but problem has to do with 

the Z-axis either the bed holder is just crooked or something

Has anyone got this issue ?? :(

Also, when set up my cetus, at lowest level of the Y-axis, the nozzle is about 2mm above the bed

and can't go any further, i have to unscrew nozzle a little more




I'll ask the stupid question.

Were you able to calibrate the bed across all points?

I don't understand why there would be any gouging if the bed was properly calibrated.

@eos, can you elaborate a bit more on which direction the bed is not level? Have you done the paper test across all 9 points in the calibration? What are the nozzle offsets at those 9 points?

Depending on which axis has issues, the approach may vary, so need to understand what the issue is first.

Also, you said the nozzle doesn't reach down to the bed. This is at full extension where the software won't let you go any further? If that's the case, you can shorten your Z axis slightly by messing with the screws Udo is messing with here:

I probably wouldn't recommend doing everything he mentions in that video just yet, as it'll take a while. Although if you have major leveling issues, you may have to resort to that. In the blog section of this website, they've also posted some instructions on how to physically level the Y arm relative to the build plate (which is something missing from Udo's video, he doesn't level against the plate), and another for vertical leveling in software, which won't help you if you're using gcode.


You can refer to this blog post about vertical calibration.

I think it will solve your problem.

eos 2017-6-7 16:07 edit

Jason Wu, Pauland, cmeyer

Thanks for all the advices and the instructions

And i have finally find the problem but it is not something

the auto leveling can fix.

there seem to be a tiny flaw with my printer (the Y-axis)

I have done everything Jason Wu has adviced, First issue was that, I realized the vertical calibration was obtus so i set the Z to -1.5 which got my models printing a little straight. I

watched , and took it a little further in using the manual configuration in the Calibration section which helped a great deal on a flat surface, measured the bed to get a flat surface

then i printed out the L shaped model referred above by Jason Wu. i then used a 

90 degree right triangle ruler to measure them while still on bed i almost got perfect right angle

model with the left middle model being close to perfect but a little acute and the right middle and top middle being obtus. the bottom middle was a little bit acute than the left middle

I also decided to print my own L models with Fusion 360 and the print came out almost the same

with each sides i mentioned.

Finally, i calibrated it once again with the manual configuration and after that

decided to have the motor move starting from the center to each sides while eye balling the Y-axis trajectory and behavior.

On first observation, I noticed a deviation in leveling in the nozzle height after i have instructed it to move to the middle plane(bed) it was about 1mm heighter than the position set I then moved it 

to the left middle then back again to the middle then it had adjusted itself the normal height set

Now when i instructed it to move to the top middle, everything was perfectly leveled as it moved but then when while it was moving back to the middle, it scraped the surface very hard along until it reached 2cm to the middle. the same issue occured from the middle to all the positions to the right.

There is no problem when moving from the center to the any positions to the right on close inspection, everything is smooth and perfectly leveled

But when i instruct nozzle to move back to middle from any position to the right

the nozzle scrapes the bed hard with squeeking sounds

I try to level the left sides of the bed to compensate but the right positions up and down button 

cannot go below zero. it does not solve the issue

On the contrary i end up with all sides squeeking with the right sides being the worse

There is definately a mechanical flaw/issue with my Printer

Either the Y-axis shaft is not perfectly horizontal or the conveyor belt has a flaw at which

pulling the motor left and right causes it to shift slightly up or down or SOMETHING!!

The Issue is coming from here


Jason Wu, I LOVE THE CETUS!, the quality print is without a doubt

amazing! and i definitely wont go for any other printer

if this issue can be fixed.

May i please return you this printer, fix this issue and send it back to me ??



[quote][size=2][color=#999999]eos post at 2017-6-7 16:03[/color][/size]
Jason Wu, Pauland, cmeyerThanks for all the advices and the instructionsAnd i have finally find the …[/quote]

I am trying to find the stl file that Jason Wu posted in the Vertical Calibration instructions.  VC Model.stl ?  Can't find it anywhere.  I have had such bad luck Calibrating my Cetus extended printer.  Am trying everything at this point.  Thank you!