Is this how you calibrate bed level?

Here is how I do it through the calibration menu:

go to point 5 (middle), lower until paper drags. Remove 0.5mm from that figure and click set.
go to point 1 to 9 (skipping 5) and setting all points where the papers drags (no 0.5mm subtraction made).

Is that correct?

In the 1st step I set the figure for the middle of the table in the lower field, not where all the points are at the top.

I use the following procedure:

  1. Push Reset button.
  2. Find the point (1-9) where the nozzle is closest to the bed using the +/- buttons.
  3. Adjust this point until paper drags with +/- buttons.
  4. Adjust all other points using the up/down buttons for the individual points until paper drags.
  5. Check that all points are OK. If not - adjust.
  6. Subtract 0.5mm with - button. Set and Confirm.

Thank you for the reply.
At the 2nd point - you find the lowest of the 9 points? Assuming you found it’s #3 - what do you do next? What is the purpose of finding the point that is the lowest? Is it any different from finding the nozzle height, adjusting all points (1 to 9) and than subtract 0.5mm from the nozzle height?

The Cetus software uses the calibration values to compensate for unven plates while printing the raft to make your print leveled.
As you can only enter positive values to points 1-9 (and lower the nozzle) you must find the HIGHEST point on the plate (could be more than one). In the end, after the 0.5 mm subtraction, this will be your nozzle height.
Now you need to add values to all other points to obtain “paper drags” in all points. You may need to repeat the process until all points have even “paper drags”.

You could of cause just move the print head to the nozzle height, adjust all 9 points and subtract 0.5 from the nozzle height, but if you do that and repeat the calibration you will add more and more to your 9 points and add more and more material to your raft.