Infill not touching outer walls


I have a print with ~ narrow walls (2mm) with infill

The infill does not touch the outer walls -> i get a print where an entire wall is “floating” - connected only on the bottom and left / right sides.

This happens only on one of the 4 wals.

Is there any setting to fix this ? Or a specific way to define a model that will fix this?




cetus 3d normal version

cetus slicer / software

original coated build plate

unknown white PLA, 1.75mm

print temperature 205deg

0.4mm nozzle

0.2mm layer

Normal speed

Raft enable, support disabled

Infill 80% or 15% - the same probllem

That can not come from the printed piece itself? This is an object that you drew yourself? Have you tried to eliminate errors in the Cetus3D app?

that't the next step - to print the 3 axis calibration model and adjust the printer with it.

it might also be from my model, but it looks more like a slight error on that axis - the other 3 walls are ok, the infil is stuck to the outer wall.

It might also be some infill calculation error (rounding, etc) - the infill does not touch the wall at all - i can insert a thing blade to the bottom on that spot.

I'll try making a small model that shows this - maybe someone can reproduce it

i'l keep posting here as i try different things.

Did you solve your problem? I am having the same issue. I could see the separation on the back wall of a benchy

I’m also having the same problem. I wrote to Cetus about it, no answer yet.

This is a problem with the attachment x or y attachments to the belt. If it is loose it will cause a backlash. I am experiencing this on some of my prints where it is soft on one side (because it is not attached). It will make the parts very weak.

<p>Same problem here, printing small box’s with wall thickness of .060" (1.5mm). All 4 sides had no infill.</p><p>Had to increase thickness to .070"(1.7mm) to get the infill.</p>

i’ve managed to get over this by directly printing from g-code.
slic3r has some options to overlap infill and outer wall => that did the trick for me.

Hi sandu,

this is a workaround. If it is confirmed a mechanical error then you only compensate the loose with software settings. Usually try to get the mechanical parts work precise before compensation.