Heated Bed --> Rafts no longer printing properly

I just installed the heated bed / built plate and I now see that the rafts are no longer printed properly. 

The thin lines on the second layer (the mesh) completely melts down to the build plate and does not longer support the model above.

What do I have to change to print proper rafts again?

Best Regards,


What plastic are you using when you have the heated bed turned on?

You don't need it for standard PLA. If you're using some form of enhanced PLA, where the manufacturer recommends a heated bed, then you should turn it on - otherwise don't bother, it'll cause more problems than it's worth.

If you're using ABS, yes, you will need the  heated bed, but then it's unlikely you would have problems with the raft.

Thanks for the answer. I only print in PLA.

The problem is, that when I printed a wide lid for a jar the base of the lid warped upwards. I hoped to get that fixed when the bed is heated. How can I prevent the big round base of the lid to warp during print?

How can I prevent the warping of PLA while printing a big round surface?

How can I prevent the warping of PLA while printing a big round surface?