Continuous spiral print not possible with Cetus? (Vase Mode)

So as a previous post sugested the Cetus UP program has no proper Vase mode.

So I tried to used Simplify3D and its Vase mode. Save the .gcode and run it in the UP Program and the print just sits there on the same Z axis pumping out material.

Is this a software interpreter limitation/error or a hardware limitation? Unable to do smooth z height changes but rather requires a hard step from z point to z point?

And S3D prints other things fine, I guess?

Take a look at the gcode file produced by S3D, are the Z coordinates changing? What movement commands does it use? Maybe copy & paste a few lines of gcode from the actual vase section (not initialization, raft, etc) with Z coordinate stuff in there.

[quote][size=2][color=#999999]cmeyer post at 2017-8-8 12:52[/color][/size]
And S3D prints other things fine, I guess?Take a look at the gcode file produced by S3D, are the Z c …[/quote]

Its just using a normal G1 command. All other prints work. Just no vase mode.

G1 X-81.742 Y85.263 E607.6158

G1 X-81.767 Y85.222 E607.6559

G1 X-85.222 Y81.767 E611.7182

; layer 4, Z = -179.200

; outer perimeter

G1 X-85.047 Y81.544 F3600

G92 E0

G1 X-84.654 Y81.787 Z-179.750 E0.1939 F288

G1 X-84.272 Y82.049 Z-179.748 E0.3892

G1 X-83.903 Y82.328 Z-179.747 E0.5861

G1 X-83.547 Y82.625 Z-179.745 E0.7843

G1 X-83.206 Y82.938 Z-179.744 E0.

------------------------------ Finishing bottom of vase.

G1 X-81.742 Y85.263 E607.6158

G1 X-81.767 Y85.222 E607.6559

G1 X-85.222 Y81.767 E611.7182

; layer 4, Z = -179.200

; outer perimeter

G1 X-85.047 Y81.544 F3600

G92 E0

----------------------------- Starting Spiral vase mode 

G1 X-84.654 Y81.787 Z-179.750 E0.1939 F288

G1 X-84.272 Y82.049 Z-179.748 E0.3892

G1 X-83.903 Y82.328 Z-179.747 E0.5861

G1 X-83.547 Y82.625 Z-179.745 E0.7843

G1 X-83.206 Y82.938 Z-179.744 E0.

----------------------------- No incrementation of z axis, Cetus just sits there spinning in a circle.

Any updates on this? I recently tried to use Slic3r for vase mode, however, as my z is constantly changing in code, the printer does not actually rise in height.

Here is a little snippet:

G1 X-136.613 Y103.621 F9600.000

G1 X-150.101 Y90.133 E1297.87453 F1200.000

G1 X-149.630 Y91.319 F9600.000

G1 X-137.844 Y103.104 E1318.52083 F1200.000

G1 X-139.212 Y102.450 F9600.000

G1 X-148.987 Y92.675 E1335.64565 F1200.000

G1 X-148.029 Y94.348 F9600.000

G1 X-140.899 Y101.478 E1348.13683 F1200.000

M106 S232.05

===========bottom layers end===========

G1 Z0.85 F9600.000

G1 Z0.850 X-141.595 Y101.475 E1348.64200 F1800.000

G1 Z0.851 X-142.482 Y100.861 E1349.55874

G1 Z0.852 X-143.549 Y100.034 E1350.70513

G1 Z0.853 X-144.566 Y99.148 E1351.85107

G1 Z0.854 X-145.606 Y98.126 E1353.08987

G1 Z0.855 X-146.580 Y97.040 E1354.32890

G1 Z0.856 X-147.257 Y96.197 E1355.24793

G1 Z0.856 X-147.893 Y95.319 E1356.16929

G1 Z0.857 X-148.313 Y94.700 E1356.80393

G1 Z0.858 X-148.858 Y93.808 E1357.69254

G1 Z0.858 X-149.520 Y92.570 E1358.88497

G1 Z0.859 X-150.124 Y91.232 E1360.13253

G1 Z0.860 X-150.522 Y90.194 E1361.07665

G1 Z0.861 X-150.865 Y89.137 E1362.02131

G1 Z0.862 X-151.152 Y88.061 E1362.96724

G1 Z0.862 X-151.336 Y87.244 E1363.67882

G1 Z0.863 X-151.532 Y86.148 E1364.62416

[quote][size=2][color=#999999]Scottyprogramme post at 2017-9-8 09:43[/color][/size]
Any updates on this? I recently tried to use Slic3r for vase mode, however, as my z is constantly ch …[/quote]

Vase mode is not supported yet, sorry....

Likey the slightly difference of the Z height is not translated during Gcode processing.