Blobs on side and gaps in layers using Cetus Software

bbstep 2017-3-16 04:50 edit

I just completed my first print with a retail edition Cetus3D Standard using software I'm having a problem that is new to me, despite this being my fifth printer. I have blobs on the sides of the print where each layer begins & ends, which is usually a sign of slight overextrusion. At the same time, I have gaps between my infill and perimeters and between solid layer lines as well.

Any suggestions on how I might improve my print quality going forward? There aren't a lot of customizable options in the software, so what I would normally do in Cura doesn't seem to apply here.


Edit: Blobs look like this

Gaps between walls and infill look like ths

BlueDinos 2017-3-16 06:20 edit

So yeah the blobs are generally dubbed zippers. Its when the line path of the nozzle ends and that split second when it stops to go to the next layer, a bit of filament oozes out to create a zipper like effects. You can lower the temp which will help, but that will also cause under extrusion...which is what the second problem is. Unfortunately you can't control a extrusion multipier in the Cetus Studio software and underextrusion is a known problem. Expecially when you can't dial in different filament thickness because a brand claiming that it's 1.75mm isn't always the case. I always use 1.72 - 1.72 for filament thickness to get good consistant extrusions.

I think they will need to update the software more to tweak these issues in the future. They have to keep in midn that different filament companies will have different formulas and will not all work the same. A good example is I'm using 195c - 196c or less with my filament. 210c set standard for the Cetus is way too hot for me.

I've been using S3D ever since they've provided a profile for that and I love it. Hoepfully they will also come out with a Cura profile for you and others who usues it. I've tried tomake my own Cura profile but for some reason the way Cura generates G-Code doesn't work well with Cetus right now even with the updated Gcode translater.

[quote][size=2][color=#999999]BlueDinos post at 2017-3-16 06:18[/color][/size]
So yeah the blobs are generally dubbed zippers. Its when the line path of the nozzle ends and that s …[/quote]

I have S3D also. Can you provide a screenshot of your settings? The settings in the Cetus provided S3D profile do not work well. I still have under-extrusion, the raft breaks away and leaves pieces stuck to the model, etc. If you have a profile that works at all, on any software, I'd like to see it. So far my Cetus has been a paperweight :(

Here are some of my numbers. Hope this helps. I've been only using S3D ever since and never looked back. Also keep in mind I'musing 1.71 for my filament width, which is an average of 3 different measurements of my spool...I never just put 1.75 because it never is.  Any questions please let me know!


I've had blobs on my prints since the beginning (especially obvious when I print a test cube, it's pretty bad).

bbstep 2017-3-22 22:42 edit

[quote][size=2][url=forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=1223&ptid=235][color=#999999]BlueDinos post at 2017-3-19 06:10[/color][/url][/size] Here are some of my numbers. Hope this helps. I've been only using S3D ever since and ne ...[/quote]

Thanks for sending those along! I made a print using your settings and, although it was by far the best print I've gotten out of my Cetus, the quality was still unacceptable. The bottom layer of the part (that sits on top of the raft) was wild looking because there was too much space between, but it was also impossible to remove without breaking the part -- usually an indication of too little space between them. The top layer of the print still had gaps in it, although fewer than I've ever seen before. Your profile also eliminated stringing I was seeing with the Cetus provided S3D profile.

I'm beginning to wonder whether there is something wrong with my unit. I've watched many youtube videos of people buying the Cetus, plugging it in, using the Cetus software, and making beautiful prints. This has not been my experience at all. The Cetus software would be PERFECT if it weren't for the incredible under-extrusion. I'm not going to return my printer just yet. I'll wait to see what the next few updates bring in terms of print quality, but so far I'm out cold waiting on something to change. Sigh.

Thanks again for the profile. While I wait for Cetus to get on the ball, maybe I'll tinker with it if I can find some time.

[quote][size=2][color=#999999]bbstep post at 2017-3-19 18:40[/color][/size]
Thanks for sending those along! I made a print using your settings and, although it was by far the …[/quote]

Hey not a problm! I believe filment company makes a difference also in the quality of your print. Your settings will need to be tweeked accordonly. In my opinion the Cetus by itself is agreat machine, but with the power of Simplify3D it's that much better. The photo below in my opinion is almost perfect and looks almost like an SLA print (Batbudah and Alien). All the small details are there, no zippers or blobs. No gap or wierd areas. You can see the tiny fingers and toes no problem. I'd say dont give up on the CEtus just yet. I liked the original so much that I bought the 300mm version. I now use both on a daily basis.



bbstep 2017-3-20 15:53 edit

I agree. It's very quiet and precise with its motions. I'm pleased with the hardware, but not the software. I only bought the Cetus because I wanted it to "just work" like it did in the Youtube videos and I'm dissappointed that it doesn't. I don't know how those guys got such good prints out of the Cetus software, but I'm going to wait a month and see whether they fix this underextrusion issue.

Out of curiosity, what does the bottom of each of those prints look like? All of mine are sloppy because of the raft.

What material are you using? what setting did you use in the software?

bbstep 2017-3-20 23:46 edit

[quote][size=2][url=forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=1244&ptid=235][color=#999999]JasonWu post at 2017-3-20 23:08[/color][/url][/size] What material are you using? what setting did you use in the software?[/quote]

Cetus sample PLA and default PLA settings in Cetus3D. It under-extrudes quite a bit and there doesn't appear to be any way to adjust the extrsion multiplier :(

That's how my test cubes look like, 0.2 per layer.

Yeah, man! Thanks for jumping in. That looks like ass. And those are the same results I get using the default PLA settings in Cetus3D. And, oddly, while I have blobbing on the sides my top and bottom layers are suffering from under-extrusion.

How did the Youtube reviewers get a perfect print out of this machine with no adjustments?

For the record, this is a photo I took of the first thing off my Cetus, not surprisingly, a Benchy.

Cetus PLA, initial SW ( all default parameters, just so I could see what it looked like without any changes.

It's not perfect, (definitely under-extruding on the surfaces) but it's not anywhere as rough as your cube.


Actually, the cube is the worst for some reason. I got better results with other prints, but the cube was horrible.

Humm, maybe the STL file is bad?

Did you try a calibration cube from a different source?

You have to understand heat is a big factor. the smaller the object the slower you'll have to print to allow the layers to cool properly before a new one is laid on top. This is why larger prints have less issues.

I'd also suggest stop using the default PLA settings because 210 is too high. I never print PLA higher than 195c-198c. Also if you print with fine settings, this will slow down the print anf will give you better results in layer quality and smaller size/less blobs and zippers.

I also crank up the top/bottom layer to 6 which is standard for me even in S3D. This will help with gaps in your top layer. The Cetus software is far from perfect but as simple as they try to make it, it works and works pretty well right out of the box. Hopefully they will update the slicer more and more to help improve the prints. simple coasting or wipping options and print layer height after the raft option will go a long way to help improve the prints.


"...the smaller the object the slower you'll have to print to allow the layers to cool properly before a new one is laid on top."

That's one of the reasons that I thought that the Benchy was pretty good...

'...because 210 is too high"

And there's another one, although I expect Cetus' own PLA would work reasonably well with the higher temperature.

Sorry I'm late to the party, but I wanted to respond to some thoughts from earlier.

@Coop42 That print is another example of what I don't want. Those zippers are awful and ruin the tolerances you need for functional prints to be, well, functional. Somehow the Cetus manages to make zippers like that while not putting out enough plastic on the top/bottom layers, leaving gaps all over. I have no idea what's going on, but it needs a resolution! Maybe some coasting would get things in order, but the Cetus software doesn't let you configure that parameter either.

@BlueDinos I made a print with my temp set at 200 and, while the print came out looking much better, the extruder had lots of difficulty pushing the plastic through the cooler nozzle. I got a lot of clicking as the hobbed gear ground into the side of the PLA because there was too much resistance to force it through the nozzle. At 210, it comes out nicely.

Were those red alien prints you posted made using the profile you screencapped for me? Also, do you have any pictures of the bottoms of those prints?