Best Practices for Bed Adhesion with TierTime 3D Printers


I have just started using a TierTime 3D printer, and I’m facing some issues with bed adhesion. Even after trying different bed temperatures and surface preparations ; I’m still facing issues with prints not sticking properly to the bed.

Anyone here pls share their tips for getting reliable bed adhesion with TierTime printers? I would appreciate help , whether they involve specific settings, adhesion aids, or other techniques.

Thank you all in advance !

Thank you

Glue stick… I use elmer’s disappearing purple… It helps whether the glass or ABS side.

Generally I find if the ABS bed is hot enough, and levelled by hand, it sticks OK without glue.

For PLA on glass, I find the glue is necessary. You can even put it on, and wipe it off/around with an alcohol wipe so it’s a thin smear/film and it works OK. Though repeated prints in the same position will remove it.